RUN AWAY if your web designer …

  • Does not ask you about your business
  • Does not ask you any questions about your Search Engine Marketing and Optimization programs
  • Begins the new design without discussing with you the goal of your website
  • Begins the new design without discussing with you who your target audience is
  • Puts visual impact ahead of the usability of the web site
  • Recommends a Splash entry page (Search Engines cannot normally ‘see’ Splash pages. This is a dated feature that tends to put off site visitors – who will often simply leave the page (and the website) before it has had a chance to load)
  • Recommends your entire site be in Flash (Search Engines cannot ‘see’ Flash pages)
  • Recommends putting your site in Frames (Search Engines have great difficulty ‘seeing’ Frames pages – there are workarounds for using Frames but they are a costly retro-fit. A good designer will recommend using tables rather than Frames if you have your heart set on a Frames look)
  • Does not realize that the <title>, <meta name=”description”>, and <meta name=”keywords”> tags should be different on every page

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