Types of information on your website? A blog is a great way to do this …read on ..

  1. Detailed specifications for your products and services. Price discounts offered , service packs..etc
  2. Articles, PDF’s / white papers / FAQ’s to educate the customer about your product / service .
  3. Interviews / view points from company executives, and clients.
  4. Case studies showing how your product or service has benefiting customers.
  5. Presentations of any research your company has done in your field.
Ask .”Can my target customers benefit more with useful & timely information about our products, & our industry ? If you answered, “Yes,” then start providing some information as out lined above now.

What will be the on going benefit /result? A useful web site WILL increases sales !

When your web site helps your customer, the customer is more likely to believe in your product or service .

Andy Alagappan
COO & VP marketing & business development USA , The Graphics Co (Epromotionz LLC)
Off : 281-556-8319 , 281-570-5804 – cell


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