Few SEO tips for business blogs :

Have a content strategy, and arrange it around your topic/focus. A blog isn’t a one-off, it’s an ongoing project and you need to populate it with relevant content on an ongoing basis.

Don’t forget to optimize images, video and audio files with relevant, keyword-rich meta data. They’re content, too!
Keep your overall SEO strategy in mind – put keywords in your blog posts.
Make sure your feed is operational
Create original content that engages your audience – content they can’t get anywhere else.
Be timely and go with current events, write about tax issues in March and April not September and October.
Engage the community with open ended posts or questions.
Don’t abuse and stuff categories and tags, try to set it up so posts are only in one category and have a few tags.
Search Engines seek to answer three questions; how relevant, how fresh and how much. RSS helps answer the how fresh question by design; it is therefore well-adapted to dialogue with search engines. RSS also helps gain link currency and traffic from deep links. It takes some time to monitor and makes sure everyone plays along when syndicating your content, but it’s worth it. Finally, work on distribution and usability, with one click subscriptions/auto-discovery/RSS directories/Email subscription.

Search engines like RSS Feeds.  So your content gets seen and indexed faster.  Also when you syndicate content with links in it, the RSS Feed makes it available to other sites. When your content appears on those  sites the links point back to you.

Quality over quantity will always keep the readers of your blog engaged and coming back for more.

If you content remains on your site it is static and gets seen by only your visitors. Once it is in a feed it is seen by bloggers, other sites, search engines, news and feed aggregators.

These other websites all have their own visitors.  They see your content on other sites and many of them will save and share your content into sites like digg, twitter etc.  This gives more visibility and build more links.