According to several recent reports, close to 86% + of B2B users make search their first stop when researching a new product or service for their company. That’s more than manufacturer sites, industry portals, or even e-commerce sites directly selling the product.

Only search engine marketing ( SEO  & PPC )  has the PROVEN ability to put your product, services and offerings in front of QUALIFIED people at that crucial time when they are interested in what you offer and are open to listening & reading to what you have to say.

If your competitors are marketing with SEO = search engine optimisation and you aren’t, or aren’t doing it effectively with proven SEO Skills , you may have just driven business leads from search results to your competitor’s site as your potential client researches your industry services and products .

Online search engine marketing positions your web site to attract qualified leads to your site from the following:

  • Those researching your competition
  • Those researching your product or services offerings
  • Those ready to buy your product or services