Social networking channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook can prove as great tools when used for promoting a business. Make proper use of these tools in order to increase ranking and traffic of a website. Now the question is – how to create a proper and helpful Social Media Marketing (SMM) strategy? First of all, a businessman needs to:

o Define objectives of the business
o Describe company’s products & services
o Know target audience
o Find out what social sites need to be used

On the basis of this study, apply few or all of the techniques mentioned below:

 Social networking – To make social media strategy a success, it is really important to create a profile on social networking sites and participate actively in it. Social networks include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.
 Photo sharing – Post some pictures related to company’s products and services in photo sharing websites like Flickr. In this way, customers are able to find the business easily.
 Video marketing – These days, people make use of YouTube to share videos with their friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. Businesses can also make use of this tool to post relevant videos. People may find it when they search for particular information. In this way, traffic and sales leads would be increased to some extent.
 Creating blogs – It is an important social media strategy that is used by majority of the firms. By creating blogs, business makes sure that it converses with its target audience regularly by posting valuable information. Another concept related to blogs is called micro-blogging. In this technique also, the idea is same i.e. posting business relevant content to various blogging websites. However, the difference lies in the size of the content. Here, the content has to be very short.

Steps to follow for an efficient Social Media Strategy

o Locate all the customers of the business. This will help the business-owners to understand the requirements of their customers.
o Next step is to reach those customers. The customers can be contacted directly or indirectly by employing suitable media.
o Lastly, a business should consider interacting with its potential customers.
In this way, a firm will be able to build a strong reputation in the market. The clients will trust them and rely on them for all their future needs. As a result, the firm will be able to generate more sales leads and revenue.

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