B2B Marketing . Industrial Marketing Benefits & Goals .

Most B2B INDUSTRIAL company web sites have one (or both) of these two marketing goals and purposes:

1. Generate Sales Leads – Drive profits by generating leads or prospects. (These leads could be prospects who will : call, email, fill out a lead form, join a newsletter, etc.)
2. Generate Sales – Drive profits by selling products or services.

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B2B Marketing . Industrial Marketing Houston.

The industrial buy cycle consists of a methodical and deliberate series of four stages: Needs Awareness, Research, Consideration & Comparison, and Procurement. In each of these stages, buyers engage in different behaviors and use a wide variety of information sources to locate suppliers and support their buying decisions. Although the industrial buy cycle has been around for as long as products have been bought and sold, the way purchasers go through the four stages has changed.

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SEO + SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING = Increased Traffic to Web Site

Increased Quality Traffic to your Web Site
Increased search engine visibility ON SEARCH ENGINES like Google & Bing effectively drives quality traffic to your web site from high growth web properties. Social media marketing, along with SEO process , can help you gain multiple listings on search engine results pages, resulting in direct and indirect search engine traffic from more traffic sources .

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